Nov 14, 2015

Lady R | maternity


Jul 6, 2015

Evening Window Light | miscellaneous

One week ago, tomorrow, marks the end of the school year.  As a reward to myself for surviving the entire year, and as a result of having low expenses year-'round, I decided I would pick up a much better portraiture lens.  I haven't shot with it much yet, but what I have taken with it has left me feeling rather satisfied with its capabilities (more than satisfied).  The aperture (read: the size of the hole that lets light in) isn't as wide as I'd planned on getting, but it will be good for me.  It will force me to stop taking f/1.8 for granted.  F/4 will have to do.  That said, after taking a few shots of sunlight hitting my roommate's face while she works on her university homework, I decided to override the auto-focus and shoot through my bedroom window.  The setting sun and moving traffic provided some lovely bokeh my other lenses have never that easily achieved.  While this lens is heavier than my other ones, I doubt it will be coming off my camera anytime soon.

Jun 6, 2015

Dark Olive Green Head Scarf by EcoShag | accessories

EcoShag's head scarves had been catching my eye recently.  They looked comfy, cute, and customizable (in so far as being able to wrap them according to your own head size and shape).  Here's the listing for the one I ordered: Dark Olive Green Head Scarf.  I hummed and hawed for a weekend, or so, about which colour to pick: dark brown, black, or olive green.  In the end, my friend convinced me to choose the green.  I'm not brave enough yet to wear it regularly, and I'm for sure not comfortable in it yet to wear it to work.  I wore it to a band practice recently, and it came unwrapped twice in the middle of a song.  The 3rd time it unwrapped was when I had tried to wrap it too quickly before going out for the evening.  It ended up staying home, in the end, that evening.  So far, I prefer to wear it on Saturdays when I'm doing household chores (and sometimes errands).  It keeps those pesky stray hairs out of the way so that they don't tickle my face while I'm working.  It does gradually slide off my head, but apparently, other reviewers of the head scarves don't have this problem.  Maybe I just have a very slippery head.  *shrug*  Anyway, as requested, below is the review.  (I don't normally put many photos of myself on this blog, or any blog, for that matter.  Consider yourselves privileged.  Wait - I could have used the mannequin head!  Darn, it's too late now.  Hmph.)

Enjoy!  (Maybe I'll post a follow-up during the summer, when I plan to wear it more regularly.)

Apr 19, 2015

A Warm-up | miscellaneous

Apparently, my last post was in July.  I really haven't shot much, as I've been focusing more on teaching since then.  Today I felt a need to try shooting again, and, boy, am I rusty.